The Seven Rules of Getting A “Toned Body”

The Seven Rules of Getting A “Toned Body”

1. The first rule of body toning is that there is no “body toning”. Having muscle shape and definition and looking lean and trim requires two things: muscle mass and low body fat.

2. The second rule is that to get shape and definition, you need to add more muscle.

3. The third rule is that to get more muscle, you need to lift weights.

4. The fourth rule is that when you lift weights, you need to lift heavier and using lower rep ranges (6-8 reps per set.)

5. The fifth rule is that in order to bring out muscle definition, you need to also strip off body fat. Adding muscle will help with this because it burns calories at rest, and performing moderate or high-intensity cardio on your non-weight lifting days will help burn fat.

6. The sixth rule is that these rules apply to both men and women.

7. The seventh rule is that women typically will not become huge and muscular from lifting weights, unless they are using anabolic steroids or have unique genetics.

One thought on “The Seven Rules of Getting A “Toned Body”

  1. Thanks for suggesting the rules to have toned body.Many people out there want to know how to get toned arms without bulking up with a huge amount of muscle.

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